Udayar novel price
Udayar novel price


We have recently included Cash On Delivery facility to build trust among our customers. The storys first part was published in a weekly Tamil magazine and then published in monthly novels (Palsuvai novel, Ladies novel). Your order would be shipped within a day with shipment tracking. Udayar () is a Tamil novel written by Balakumaran.The story is written in six volumes, and is a sequel to Ponniyin Selvan depicting Rajaraja Cholas rule and the construction of the big temple at Tanjore c. We have all the popular payment gateways including Netbanking, Card Payment, Wallets. Find the right book in our partnering eCommerce store and order right away. We are based at Chennai, TamilNadu looking to spread our wings over various regions.Our site suggests recommended books from toppers and professors as well. We majorly deal with Engineering, Medical, Competitive Exam, Novels, and Self help books.

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